
Ride offers an extensive RESTful interface following the JSON API specification.

Many Ride components are exposed via this REST interface, allowing you to hook into the API from other languages or applications.

Basic usage

All modules providing a REST interface are prefixed with wra (Web REST application). You can find a list of available wra modules here.


At the moment of writing, API tokens are not yet implemented. Public API calls can always be performed. Protected API calls require the user to be logged in via the backend.

Query parameters

Because the JSON API spec specifies the use of some query parameters like pagination, inclusion and sorting. Filter strategies however are not described by the spec. Below are some examples of query parameters used with the Ride API.

The sort query parameter allows the data set to be sorted. This parameter accepts a comma separated list of fields to sort on, with the optional - sign to sort descending.

GET /api/v1/posts?sort=-title,author

The page query parameter is used for pagination. This parameter can take a few subparameters.

  • page[limit]: the limit of items on this page.
  • page[offset]: the offset to start pagination.

GET /api/v1/posts?page[limit]=2&page[offset]=2

Available filters depend on the component.

Table of contents

Following is a list of exposed components via our REST API.