
This page will help you get started with Ride. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

You can install Ride with Composer. Composer is the dependency manager used by modern PHP applications. You can read more about Composer on their website. We'll continue this guide assuming you know composer and have it installed on your machine.

Via composer create-project

The easiest way to set up a new Ride project is to use the Composer create-project command in your terminal:

composer create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev ride/setup-project-cms blog

You'll be prompted with options to select your locales, set up your local connection parameters and install Mandrill.

Create your own composer.json

Every project needs a composer.json file, you can create one in your project folder:

echo '{"minimum-stability": "dev"}' > composer.json

Ride has a few bundled projects for minimal installation, each including the bare minimum for there purpose:

  • ride-setup-base
  • ride-setup-app
  • ride-setup-web
  • ride-setup-cms
  • ride-setup-cli

To install one, or all of them, add them to composer with composer require ride/setup-cms. For better understanding of this documentation, you will need at least ride/setup-cms and ride/setup-cli.


All the configuration files for Ride are stored in the application/config directory. In this chapter we will explain all the most common configuration files. All the other options are documented on their own documentation page.


Most of the project's configuration can be found in the parameters.json file. More about parameters. When setting up a new installation, this file should already be created containing a system.secret variable. This is a secrtet key of the system for encryption and security. Ride has no need for any onther configuration out of the box. At this point you can already start developing. However, another very common key is to define a name to your project. This should not be confused with a site name for the CMS.

Once Ride is installed, you should also configure your local environment.